Monday, September 28, 2015

Machinima Madness: Warlords in Reverse

The last installment of this series, for now. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have an idea for a future Machinima Madness, leave a comment here!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pet Menagerie: Draenor Tamers

Hello, pet battlers! Welcome back to another Pet Menagerie! In this edition we are going to discuss carry strategies for each of the Draenor tamers.

Friday, September 25, 2015

U&H WRUP: Pet Battles

Welcome to this edition of U&H WRUP! In these articles we interview several guildies to find out just what have they been up to this week.

Discussion Topic
With the pet battle event this week, we asked guildies "How many pets do you have at level 25, and are you planning to participate in the Pet Battle Event this weekend?".

Monday, September 21, 2015

BlizzCon Virtual Ticket In-Game Goodies Revealed

Blizzard has revealed what in-game goodies come with this year's Virtual Ticket! To learn more about the virtual ticket, or to purchase it, head over here.

Machinima Madness: Mists in Reverse

The third installment of the series! Although it was technically the first of the videos that was uploaded, we decided to feature it in expansion order. Anyways, if you enjoyed or have a suggestion for a future Machinima Madness, leave a comment here!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pet Menagerie: An Introduction

This is a new article that will be dedicated to a variety of things centered around Pet Battles! See more details below.

Friday, September 18, 2015

U&H WRUP: Legion

Welcome to the first edition of U&H WRUP! This is a series of blog posts that is meant to engage with active members of United and Honored and find out their most recent accomplishments. They will also be sharing what they hope to accomplish for next week and talk about the discussion topic for the week.

Discussion Topic
This week's discussion topic is World of Warcraft's next expansion, Legion. What are you excited and concerned about for the next expansion?

Blizzard Partners with Random House for New Novels

Blizzard Entertainment has announced a new partnership with Publisher Random House for new novels from all Blizzard universes. A new Warcraft book has also been revealed, Illidan, and will be written by William King.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Machinima Madness: Cataclysm in Reverse

The next installment of the <expansion> in Reverse series by Slightly Impressive! Hope you and enjoy, and if you have a suggestion for a future Machinima Madness, leave a comment here!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Guild Blog News: Comment Updates

Sometime late yesterday I made some changes to the comment system, all of which are just customizing it. Let's go through each change.


I added a slew of different emojis to use! You can see them all, and how to get them to appear, by hitting the "Show Emoticons" link in the post footer. These may be temporary if I can find even better ones, so let me know what you think!

Admin Comments

I changed the admin comments to be slightly* different than other users, so that you can know when it is me speaking. The customization is a black background, blizzard blue text, and a blizz tag at the end of the name.

*Ok, maybe I changed them a whole lot!

User Comments

Users comments received some additional polish as well. They now have guild logo blue text and banner, and a white background.

Future Changes

Have any future changes you would like to see? Leave them in the comments below, and don't forget to test out these new features!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Machinima Madness: Wrath in Reverse

Slightly Impressive takes a look at what Wrath of the Lich King would be like in reverse, and I have to say it looks quite funny!

This is the first of a series that will be featured here through the month of September. If you have any ideas for a future Machinima Madness, leave a comment below!

Friday, September 4, 2015

What are your concerns or excitements for Legion?

Jonathan LeCraft, Senior Game Designer, sums up my question to you all: What are you excited for, or concerned about, for Legion?

As for me personally, I am excited to see what other class changes are going to be made to make them feel different. Also Demon Hunters.