Friday, September 18, 2015

U&H WRUP: Legion

Welcome to the first edition of U&H WRUP! This is a series of blog posts that is meant to engage with active members of United and Honored and find out their most recent accomplishments. They will also be sharing what they hope to accomplish for next week and talk about the discussion topic for the week.

Discussion Topic
This week's discussion topic is World of Warcraft's next expansion, Legion. What are you excited and concerned about for the next expansion?

This week, Ray has completed his stables training and will be unlocking level 3 on his stables! He also has been making progress on the Legendary staff for his druid with help from other guildies. He hopes to complete this step of the legendary quest and move on to the final step next week! He is excited about seeing the new Dalaran and wants to see how Demon Hunters will play out.

This week, Tina has been working on leveling her mage, which is currently level 65. She hopes to have her mage to level 100 by next week. She also might try squeezing in a few Mythic dungeons. She is excited about Demon Hunters (as everyone should be), and is concerned about seeing all the gold she spent on her Garrisons go to waste (since we won't be using them anymore).

This week, Vale has managed to get another toon to level 100. He also made a ton of Embersilk bags to replace the netherweave in the Guild Bank. By next week, he wants to (hopefully) begin working on his Rogue. He is excited about seeing how Class Halls play out, and is concerned with some class changes. Overall, he thinks Legion has potential.

Bing just returned back to the game this Tuesday, and has managed to make a nice bit of progress on the Draenor Pathfinder achievement. Next week, he plans to continue gaining reputation with the factions needed for flying. He thinks the Artifact system sounds promising, and hopes it could turn out good.

Kickle has started a new character and has managed to get it to 73 and just doing general garrison stuff. Next week, she wants to reach level 100 on her current leveling toon, and maybe another if time permits. She is excited to see Demon Hunters, and is slightly concerned with hunters being drastically changed for the next expansion.

Don't forget to share you answers down below!


  1. I love this and hope to see more interviews from other guild members y-)

  2. All credit goes to Kickle for helping me flesh out this idea! Thanks, friend! d-)

    1. Aww anytime, your doing a great job all by yourself though and I didn't help much .... just a little
