Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pet Menagerie: Draenor Tamers

Hello, pet battlers! Welcome back to another Pet Menagerie! In this edition we are going to discuss carry strategies for each of the Draenor tamers.

What you need
You will need the following items
The pets above are used in the strategies. As you can see, it isn't very many level 25s needed! There are tons of ways to get these pets to level 25, but the most convenient is by doing these quests. One is only available once per Battle Pet Event, and the other is a once per toon quest upon unlocking the Menagerie.

If you already spent those stones on other pets, you might have to farm some wild pets. Make sure you come stocked with Battle Pet Bandages, so you don't have to wait on Revive Battle Pets' cooldown. 

You will be fighting a total of 6 different tamers. Listed below are the tamers and the pets you need to defeat them with their abilities. Keep in mind that the pet order listed below is the order you will need them in the battle.
Use these strategies to defeat the tamers with a level one pet on your team. Keep in mind that this will raise 3 pets to level 25 per day during the event. After the Pet Battle Event, it will reduce it to two per day. 

Though this tamer only requires Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling to carry, it is ill advised to have more than one pet that needs carried. The XP system will take the large amount of gained XP and divide it for each carry pet.
  • Start with Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
  • Cast Decoy
  • Cast Breath four times to finish off the first pet.
  • When Ashlei switches to her Plushie, swap to your carry pet, then immediately swap back to the dragonling
  • Cast Bombing Run. Ashlei swaps to her Talbuk. 
  • Cast Breath three times, and then Bombing Run takes effect which will kill Tally. 
  • Use whatever devices you can to kill off the innocent, cute plushie.. Meanie!
  • Start with your carry pet for one round, then swap to Chrominius
  • Spam Arcane Explosion until The Great Kaliri dies, using Ancient Blessing at around half health.
  • When Apexis Guardian comes out, swap to Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling and immediately cast Decoy.
  • Use Thunderbolt, then spam Breath until it dies.
  • When Darkwing comes out, it should be almost dead and an easy win. 
  • Start with Chrominius. Your first action will be irrelevant, as it will just be interrupted.
  • Cast Arcane Explosion
  • Cast Ancient Blessing
  • Cast Arcane Explosion twice
  • Pass - Very crucial
  • Cast Arcane Explosion*
    • *The strategy usually calls for two Arcane Explosions, but my Chrominius usually dies after casting one. 
  • Swap to Carry Pet, and immediately swap to Nexus Whelpling
  • Cast Arcane Storm followed up by Mana Surge. This should wipe out her team. 
Tarr the Terrible
  • Start with your carry pet. This pet must have 620+ health to soak up the first hit.
  • Swap to Restless Shadeling and cast Death and Decay
  • Shadow Shock before his pet stuns you, and pass. 
  • Use Phase Shift to avoid being hit with Deep Breath. 
  • Drop one or two Shadow Shocks to finish of his pet. 
  • He will bring out Murkalot again, so cast Shadow Shock. Your Death and Decay will remove Shieldstorm. 
  • Shadow Shock again, and Murkalot should crater on you. 
  • Cast Shadow Shock to remove the shield from Murkimus and then refresh Death and Decay. 
  • Cast Shadow Shock, then Phase Shift to avoid the Heroic Leap. 
  • After the next two (or three) Shadow Shocks, your shadeling will die. Swap to Giant Bone Spider to finish off the remaining pets.
  • Start with Sunreaver Micro-Sentry and use Call Lightning. Follow up by casting Extra Plating.
  • Use Fel Immolate between the two abilities. 
  • Swap in your Carry Pet after the second wolf dies
    • The third pet uses Howl, so just let your leveling pet soak it up and swap to your Darkmoon Tonk.
  • Shock and Awe and Ion Cannon to finish off the last pet. Your mechanical trait may activate. 
Cymre Brightblade
  • Start with Anubisath Idol and cast Deflection
    • Cast Deflection each time it is off cooldown, unless Idol of Decay is at or less than 200 HP.
  • Cast Sandstorm
    • One cast should be enough until Idol of Decay uses Dark Rebirth. 
  • Cast Crush as a filler.
    • Once Idol of Decay has resurrected from Dark Rebirth, just Crush him down until he is dead. 
  • Against the lantern, use Deflection followed by Sandstorm to counter Sunlight.
  • Crush until your Anubisath Idol dies. Swap in Carry Pet and immediately swap to Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
  • Spam Breath until the lantern dies. 
  • When she swaps to Gyrexle, use Decoy followed by Thunderbolt and breath as a filler until Thunderbolt is off cooldown. After that, just spam Breath until he dies.
And that's all! Last week's vote decided that we do want to see facts about pets here, so here is the first one:
When you have Elwynn Lamb out long enough, a wolf will come up out of nowhere and attack it!

If you have something you want to see in a future edition of Pet Menagerie, leave a comment below.

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