Friday, April 29, 2016

News Roundup: 4/25 to 4/29

Welcome to this week's News Roundup! This week we have a new alpha build, some information on WoW's 12th Anniversary, a Gold Cap increase, and more!

Legion Alpha Build

Here is a summary of all the changes/features of this build.

Legion Pre-Expansion Event

With the latest alpha build, the pre-expansion event for Legion was enabled for testing. See below for a brief summary of what to expect.
  • Players in Stormwind or Orgrimmar will start hearing whispers, then you get a new action bar with 5 buttons and 9 stacks of Frail Mind. (Note: If you don't want to play, you can simply click the buff off).
  • You have an ability called Turn Ally that turns a targeted player hostile. Turning an ally will make a stack of Frail Mind go away, but you also become hostile, so you need to use your Cloak of Darkness to vanish for a bit so you aren't killed. 
  • You can disguise yourself by using Illusionary Guise, and can confuse a group of players using Hysteria.
  • When all 9 stacks of Frail Mind are removed, you can turn into a dreadlord for a minute if you use Give In To Darkness.
  • There are also Doomsayer NPC's around now that hand out pamphlets. If you collect all 12 of them, you get the achievement It All Makes Sense Now.

Legion Gold Cap Increase

In Legion, the gold cap will be increased from 999,999g 99s 99c to 9,999,999g 99s and 99c. This increase is for player inventory, guild banks, Black Market Auction House, and the regular auction house.

Order Hall Armor

There are new armor sets available from Order Halls. These sets use the Mists of Pandaria Challenge Mode gear look, but with different colors. There is an NPC in your Order Hall that sells each piece for 1,000 Order Hall Resources. Each piece has a different requirement to unlock, listed below.

Keep in mind that these may be temporary:
  • Helm - Complete the final storyline of two Broken Isles leveling zones.
  • Shoulders - Complete the quest Arcan'dor, Gift of the Ancient Magi in Suramar. 
  • Chest - Complete chapter 4 of the Order Hall Campaign.
  • Wrist - Complete chapter 3 of the Order Hall Campaign.
  • Hands - Complete the quest Opening the Arcway in Suramar.
  • Belt - Earn 50,000 Artifact Power.
  • Legs - Earn Honored with 3 Broken Isles reputations.
  • Feet - Defeat the final boss of every Legion dungeon, on any difficulty. 

WoW's 12th Anniversary Teaser

A few builds ago, there were some NPCs datamined that sold the new Corgi Pup pet. Check out the tweet below from Jeremy Feasel, Game Designer for WoW. 

New Legion Merchandise Available

Blizzard has added some new merchandise to the Gear Store, that is Legion themed! You can check it out here.

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