Tuesday, August 11, 2015

More World of Warcraft: Legion Interviews

World of Warcraft developers have been trying to get more information out to players regarding the next expansion: Legion. See below for some recaps of more interviews!

  • The Demon Hunter was considered for the Burning Crusade, but the team wasn't ready to add another class to the game at that point.
  • Distinguishing the Demon Hunter from Monks and Rogues will be important. Rogues are about stealth and crowd control, whereas the Demon Hunter is about in your face mobility and getting out when they are in trouble. Monks are a little more of a hybrid, with some self healing.
  • The Eye Beam for Demon Hunter is a skillshot, as it is a narrow cone attack.
  • Dalaran has some modifications for the storyline, changes to the center area, changes to the Underbelly, as well as updated textures.
  • The current plan is for Dalaran is to have a free for all PvP area in the Underbelly. You can bribe the guards to make them go away for a while.
  • It would be hard to eliminate existing talent trees, as some players would be upset of the removal of a spec they really liked. If the team could go back in time, there might have been a few that never got added, but now that those trees exist they will try to make them more distinct.
  • Subtlety Rogues will keep going down the ninja route, Combat will be a little more like a Pirate Swashbuckler, and Assassination will be about poisons and Damage over Time.
  • The Honor system is changing from a currency style system to an experience style system. You get benefits from the honor levels such as opportunities to get loot or gold.
  • The Prestige system will give hardcore players a reason to keep playing, even if their power doesn't increase.
  • Gear will have less of an impact in PvP. There is no such thing as PvP gear anymore, so no Resilience,PvP specific stats, or sets. Beyond a commonly available item level, you will get drastically diminishing returns from increasing your item level. Somewhere between 5 to 1 and 10 to 1 diminishing returns. The best raider in the game might have a 7% advantage over a player that just hit the level cap.
  • The team is considering allowing players to transmog their Mists of Pandaria legendary cloak and Warlords legendary ring, as they were available for a limited time. They want to avoid a situation like everyone farming Warglaives for transmog.
  • It is possible that in a future expansion more races could become Demon Hunters, but for now it is only Blood Elves and Night Elves.
  • You can use the double jump in battlegrounds and dungeons. The team will be careful to avoid breaking the game with Demon Hunters using double jump current content, such as groups that only want Demon Hunters to skip things in dungeons.
  • Tanaan is a big and awesome zone with a lot of cool spawns. It has generated a lot of engagement with the player base. There are a lot of players doing it every day. The team wants to continue to evolve the endgame world content model though, as they aren't happy with the combination of daily quests and bonus objectives. They are two pieces of the puzzle, but larger ongoing story development is also important, similar to what was in Patch 5.1. Other mechanics to add more replayability and variation would also be good additions and there are plans for Legion to make better endgame world content.
  • Gul'dan is the instigator in Legion, but not the big bad guy. He is a raid boss in the raids at launch, but not the final boss of the expansion.
  • Legion may be shorter than other expansion names, but it describes the expansion perfectly, especially if you understand the context of the word in Warcraft history.
  • Azeroth is the only world (that we know of) that the Legion hasn't conquered yet.
  • We will discover the motivations of the Burning Legion. They aren't just going throughout the universe causing chaos.
  • The Broken Isles has been pretty quiet as of late, until the Tomb of Sargeras was activated. People knew it was there before, but there was no real motivation to go there.
  • Tension between the Horde and Alliance is an important part of the game and this expansion.
  • The team hasn't decided if Blacksmiths or Jewelcrafters will be able to make items that modify your Artifact.
  • All Druid forms connected with the Artifact weapon will be updated. (Keep in mind this is a translated summary, Moonkin was not specifically mentioned)


  1. Replies
    1. No problem! I will keep covering news about this expansion :) Was wanting to make a separate page for it, but would be extremely difficult :(
