Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another World of Warcraft: Legion Interview

Another interview was conducted, this time from Game Guide. Recap below! Also, for future interviews, I am going to make an interview "super post" that will continuously be updated with recent interviews, that way we can avoid clutter on the blog.

  • Pre-Expansion Invasion Event
    • The invasion hits all of Azeroth, so we will see invasions in many different zones throughout the world.
    • We are seeing new demons and engines of war that we have never seen before.
    • There will be some period of time over weeks that Azeorth is being invaded and the various factions will decide how they are going to handle it.
    • Players will have demon invasions they need to fight against, all leading up to the launch of the expansion.
    • The Broken Shore will be part of this launch event.
  • The developers can't talk about their favorite feature of Legion yet. They are still working on lots of super cool secret stuff!
  • The team would love to do something with Karazhan. There is a lot of great lore there. There aren't any plans to announce yet, but the team is discussing what they can do with it.
  • Owning a piece of Draenor that you could customize worked out well. (The Garrison)
  • The team is not talking about doing a player or guild housing system right now.
  • Having an Artifact weapon makes sense for this expansion. The weapons we have now aren't enough for us to even stand a chance against the invasion.
  • Flying mounts feel awesome, so as much as the team wants players to explore the world from the ground, there needs to be a way to unlock flying later in the expansion.
  • There are plans for itemization and having to share Leather loot between classes that the team isn't ready to talk about yet.
  • Demon Hunters being able to see other players through walls is really cool and fits the class.
  • The team isn't sure how matchmaking and the Prestige system will interact. They can't completely split people up by Prestige rank, as that would result in very long queue times.
  • You didn't see more Horde than Alliance in Warlords, you saw more Orcs. Those Orcs were Iron Horde, not Horde. They were the enemy of everyone. We also saw both Horde and Alliance heroes, so there wasn't a huge disparity. Legion will have both Alliance and Horde heroes and stories.

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