Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How To: Obtain Flying in Draenor

It was previously announced that there would be flying in Draenor, but with a lot of hoops to jump through. Read on for a small guide on how to complete these steps as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Loremaster of Draenor
To get Loremaster of Draenor, you must have quested in the Draenor zones long enough to obtain these achievements:

Explore Draenor
Explore every corner of every zone for the Explore Draenor achievement. The individual achievements are below:
Securing Draenor
To complete Securing Draenor, you must do the Apexis dailies listed below: 
  • Iron Siegeworks
  • Stonefury Cliffs
  • Magnarok
  • The Pit
  • Everbloom Wilds
  • Broken Precipice
  • Mok'gol Watchpost
  • Socrethar's Rise
  • Darktide Roost
  • Skettis
  • Pillars of Fate
  • Shattrath Harbor
The best way to get these done in by purchasing the Scouting Missive: (Location) from Sergeant Crowler in your Garrison. He sells each one for 200 Garrison Resources, except for the pit which must be obtained from the table.

You must have collected 100 treasures in Draenor (Tanaan Jungle ones do not count). The easiest way to do this is by completing Loremaster of Draenor, you unlock a Treasure Map sold by Grakis for 100g each. These will show all treasures on your minimap and on your world map.
Here are some guides from Wowhead for each zone that details Rares and Treasures:

It was also stated that you would need Revered reputation with The Saberstalkers, the Order of the Awakened, and Hand of the Prophet - the new reputations coming in Patch 6.2! Luckily, I have some guides here for you to check out that details how to get rep with them:
And that's all you'll need for getting flying! Keep in mind that flying is being added in a small patch after 6.2 (6.2.x). This is largely due to development reasons that couldn't be fixed before the release date on June 23rd. 


  1. Wow, thank you thank you! I'm so glad we are going to get flying back!! This looks like a lot to do! They certainly aren't making it easy, but I'll do it! XD Thanks for all of the info!

    1. I'm looking forward to flying as well! If you need help, just let me know

  2. Many thanks to Val, Oka, Bucky, Tina, Ray for all your help on my last minute drive for flying. I could not have done it all last night without your help- especially THE PIT
    Doing those quests together as a guild was so much fun. Talking, encouragement and a little teasing. Reminded me of what I missed so much in my break. Thank you all.
