Saturday, June 20, 2015

Guild Guidebook: Shipyard 101

Welcome to another edition of Guild Guidebook! With patch 6.2 just around the corner, there's no better time to discuss the Shipyard, a new upcoming feature.

Shipyards are a new feature coming in Patch 6.2: Fury of Hellfire. You will need this to unlock Tanaan Jungle, and to complete the next steps of the Legendary Questline. We will go through unlocking the Shipyard, upgrading it, and go into depth about the various features involved.

Unlocking the Shipyard
To unlock the Shipyard, you must complete the following questline:
Setting up a base in Tanaan Jungle
To continue to further your Shipyard, you must invade Tanaan Jungle.
  • Let's Get to Work
    After the cinematic ends, you'll see your Shipyard Foreman, Merreck Vonder standing nearby with this quest. Proceed to meet Solog at the beach to the east. Upon completion you are rewarded with 200 Oil.
  • Shipbuilding
    Solog gives you Ship Blueprint: Transport. Use them to learn your first ship type: Transport.
  • Strange Tools
    Simply turn in the next quest to the Alliance Shipwright: Yanas Seastrike.
  • Ship Shape
    Construct your first Transport from Yanas. After 1 minute you can "loot" your first ship and a shot cinematic will be played.
  • The Invasion of Tanaan
    It's invasion time! Head up to the other side of your Shipyard and speak with Yrel to begin. 
  • Obstacle Course
    Hand in the previous quest to Yrel and accept this quest. Find two items from the Iron Horde buildings on both sides of the road. The first hut is guarded by Rulkrik the Pillager, and the second by Magril the Seer. Turn in the quest to Exarch Naielle, who awaits you on the road to the north. 
  • In, Through, and Beyond!
    Pass through the gate to the west, avoid the cannon fire, and destroy the cannon on the hill. When done, continue to the west where you'll meet Naielle for the turn in; she is stealthing near the south wall.
  • The Assault Base
    Follow Naielle to the nearby clearing to establish your base of operations in Tanaan, Lion's Watch. After the cinematic, you are presented several quests and can now explore the new area.
When looking from the Shipyard's angle, there isn't much more to do in Tanaan Jungle if you want to unlock Naval Missions as soon as possible. 

Unlocking Naval Missions
  • Shipyard Report
    Yrel provides this quest at Lion's Watch. Accept this quest and hearth back to your Garrison and meet Merreck Vonder at your Shipyard. 
  • Naval Commander
    It's time to start your first Naval Mission! Upon accepting this quest, Merreck moves to the Fleet Command Table where you are to start A Supply Pickup. The mission takes 1 minute to complete.
  • Destroying the Competition
    Merreck gives you Ship Blueprint: Destroyer, learn it and you are now able to build Destroyers. Next go meet Yanas again and build yourself one. Construction finishes again in one minute, so it's time to start another short mission: A Little Combat.
  • If At First You Fail, Try Again!
    Oh no! The submarine you faced turned out to be a tough nut to crack and your Destroyer didn't survive the mission. Luckily Yanas can build you another in no time. This time the Destroyer will get exceptionally bumped directly to Rare quality and will come equipped with Felsmoke Launcher so that you can get your payback on the evil submarine in The Second Time is the Charm.
  • Equipping Our Fleet
    Merreck introduces you to ship Equipment, and asks you to introduce yourself to your Naval Equipment Specialist at your Shipyard, Salty Jorren. Before you can complete the quest, you need to pick up Equipment Blueprint: Blast Furnace from the nearby pier and return them to Jorren. 
  • A True Naval Commander
    Jorren provides you with Blast Furnace, which you need to apply to one of your ships. Then it's time to expand your naval territory and complete the first naval blockade mission Blockade: South Sea. The mission lasts for 1 hour, but the quest can be completed after you start the mission and rewards a nice nest egg for the future: 1,000 Oil and five Rush Order: Shipyard which allows you to instantly finish the active ship building. 
Shipyard quests don't end after you've done all the above phases. You are given the quest to upgrade your Shipyard and a small breadcrumb quest that tells you where to unlock your next ship type: Battleship.

Upgrading the Shipyard

Level 2
After finishing A True Naval Commander, the following quest Upgrading the Fleet becomes available. This quest requires you to have completed 15 Naval Missions, have 1,000 gold and 1,000 Garrison Resources. In return, your Shipyard will be able to contain 7 ships, and you'll get Ship Blueprint: Submarine for building Submarines.

Level 3
Unlocking the level 3 Shipyard is pretty much the exact same thing as level 2. After completing Upgrading the Fleet, you will be given the followup quest Naval Domination. This requires you to complete 25 Naval Treasure Missions, have 2,500 Garrison Resources, and 2,500 gold. In return, you unlock Ship Blueprint: Carrier and can now have 10 ships.


Key Differences Between Followers and Ships
  • Separate maximum amounts for followers and ships
    The fleet size is kept apart from your Garrison follower cap.
  • Different mission pools
    Followers can't be sent on Naval Missions and vice versa.
  • Followers are more permanent than ships
    One can actually lose ships during Naval Missions or even freely decommission the unwanted ships.
  • Distinct abilities and threats
    Ships and naval missions have their own abilities and threats.
  • Ships aren't as customizable as Followers.
    Ships can only be modified by adding Equipment.
  • Leveling differences
    Ships don't have a level or item level to raise, but their quality can be upgraded by gaining experience.
Ship Types, Abilities, Crews, and Equipment
Ships have different types, which determine the look of the ship, the cost of the ship, the time it takes to build the ship, and what initial Ability each ship has.
Ship Crews are similar to Follower Traits, where they give a small bonus to missions as opposed to a direct counter to a threat.

Alliance Crews:
  • Dwarven Crew
    Increases gold gained from Naval Missions by 100%.
  • Draenic Crew
    Counters: Dense Fog
  • Gnomish Crew
    Successful Naval Missions have a chance to yield Naval Equipment.
  • Human Crew
    Increases success chance on Naval Missions by 10%.
  • Night Elf Crew
    Reduces the duration of Naval Missions by 50%. 
  • Pandaren Crew
    Increases success chance on long (over 1 day) Naval Missions by 10%.
  • Worgen Crew
    Increases the experience gained by 50% for all ships from a mission.
Other Crews:

Unlocked From
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Belgork (Ironmonger’s Hold)
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Felsmith Damorka (Fel Forge)
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Hellfire Citadel
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Xanzith the Everlasting (Throne of Kil’Jaedan
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Cindral the Wildfire (Ironhold Harbor)
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from deep water off of coast of Tanaan Jungle
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Plans from Zoug the Heavy (Ironhold Harbor)
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Hand of the Prophet – Honored
Successful naval missions generate fish.
Naval Equipment Specialist
500 Garrison Resources
Hand of the Prophet – Revered
One time protection from destruction.

Decommissioning and Renaming Ships
It is possible to decommission unwanted ships, but only if your fleet size has reached maximum. It is possible to rename ships as well (What will you name yours?)

Naval Missions
Naval Missions are fueled by Oil, a new currency. You mostly gain Oil from the Tanaan Jungle apexis dailies, Tanaan Jungle rares, and from several Follower missions (increased with the Greasemonkey trait).

The interface is slightly different than the Garrison Mission UI. The interface has two different tabs, Naval Map and Fleet. The Fleet tab is used to view and manage your ships; namely equip, rename, and decommission them. A similar tab can be found in the Garrison Report pane as well, without the option to rename or decommission.

The Naval Map tab is where all the action happens. Instead of a list of missions, you are given a map of Draenor which shows the currently available missions as distinct icons that stand for the mission's category. 

The Naval Map is divided into quadrants which represent the seas of Draenor. By default, three of these quadrants are always initially locked and you need to complete the Blockade mission in order to unlock the missions from a quadrant. Missions are guaranteed to be in a given quadrant and if you click the name of the quadrant below, it will give you a list of missions available in that quadrant.
Naval Missions can take awhile to complete, ranging from 4 hours to 3 days. Naval Missions also have threats, which are listed below.
Expert Captain is the only threat that cannot be countered directly, and must be dealt with a different way. It is good to have increased success chance buffs from equipment, crew, etc. Note, however, that it requires three 10% increases to counter one Expert Captain

Area Buffs
Naval Missions come with an entirely new mechanic which allow players to gain specific area buffs. These are obtained from Naval Bonus Missions, and will activate an area. The missions in that area will be given a buff, all of which are listed below.
Ship Destruction
Whenever you fail a mission, there is a 50% chance for each ship to be permanently destroyed. It is possible to negate this by equipping your ship with Unsinkable, but the equipment will be lost when triggered.

Mission Categories/Types
There are seven different mission categories, listed below. Also below is a description of what to expect from each category.
  • Training
    Naval Training Missions are the first missions you will encounter. In accordance with the name, these missions are considered easier than others as they have fewer threats and are relatively short in mission duration (up to 8 hours).
  • Combat
    Probably the most common type players run across. Naval Combat Missions come from a large pool of missions of which rewards huge chunks of XP to epic items. Some combat missions take up to three days to complete.
  • Treasure
    In terms of difficulty and duration, these missions are pretty much on par with the Combat Missions. These missions always have either gold or some item reward. In general, Treasure Missions are more scarce than Combat Missions.
  • Blockade
    Blockade Missions prevent players from doing missions in a specific quadrant where the blockade is located. Successfully completing a Blockade Mission will reveal the corresponding area of the naval map and unlock all missions in that quadrant. The South Sea Blockade Missions always last one hour, and the rest for four hours. Blockades reappear roughly every 5-7 days.
  • Legendary
    Missions with this category are probably the least common, as they are tied with the Legendary questline. Five naval missions form a chain which you need to complete in order to continue to proceed in the questline. They also provide an optional way to obtain the legendary items needed in different phases of the questline, like Abrogator Stone
  • Bonus
    Naval Bonus Missions appear every now and then and offer a unique reward: an area buff that will affect a certain map area and all missions within. These missions have a duration of 4 hours.
  • Oil
    It's a bit misleading to talk about Naval Oil Missions as a category because only one mission belongs to it. This mission appears only after a player has acquired enough reputation with Hand of the Prophet and has built themselves an Oil Rig. From that point on, the mission Oil Rig: Pickup Location appears somewhat regularly to Barrier Sea, rewarding 200 Oil when successfully completed.
Notable Rewards
Each mission has a reward, from XP to some sweet items. Below is a table that details all those.
Player Items
Iron Fleet Treasure Chest – Raid Finder






















325 Gold

250 Gold

325 Gold

450 Gold

450 Gold
Other Items
Waterlogged Manifest – BMAH in your Garrison

And that's all for this edition of Guild Guidebook! I hope you enjoyed it, and to appeal to popular demand the Celestial Tournament will be next. If you have an idea for a future Guild Guidebook, let me know in the comments below.