Sunday, June 28, 2015

How to comment on the blog

It would seem some people are having trouble figuring out how to comment on the blog, so here are a few options you have. Feel free to test it out in the comments of this post.

Commenting Options

Google Account
Google accounts are easy to make, free, and actually pretty convenient. To get you started, just follow this link to the account creation page and follow the steps it gives you.

It is entirely possible to comment on the blog without having a Google account. Simply go to the comment section of the blog post, find the 'Comment as' button, and select Name/URL. A little box will pop up with two fields: Name and URL. You can ignore the URL field, and just fill in your name and select Ok.

I look forward to seeing your comments in the future, and to get you started on a discussion here: How do you like the new look of the comments? And, how are you enjoying the blog so far?


  1. Hello! Lexy here! I feel kind of bad... I hadn't noticed the comments changed...
    But! I'm happy to say that I like this blog. Its full of very useful information. I think you're doing a great job!

  2. thank info nya gan.. sangat amat bermanfaat.. salam kenal silahkan kunjungi web kami

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