Friday, May 29, 2015

Possibly no more flying in WoW - Updated with Poll

It was recently announced that Warlords of Draenor would not have flying, and that even future expansions wouldn't either. I am creating this post to see what you guys think. Would you mind not being able to fly? Do you like flying? What improvements can be made to make the world more ground mount friendly?

How do you feel about flying?


  1. I would be so disappointed. I absolutely love flying and if they took it away... I don't know what I'd do. I would understand if you had to work to gain the flying skill in expansions, but to not offer it at all... They're just getting on my bad side now x( I already get irritated with all the running around Draenor. It's nice to see the scenery at first but give me a break. The game is far too repetitive for me to happily run around all the time :( Unless!! They make the mounts faster. I might be happy with that.
