Saturday, April 9, 2016

News Roundup 4/4 to 4/8

Welcome to the second edition of News Roundup! This week, we cover a new Alpha Build and BlizzCon being announced.

Alpha Build

Blizzard pushed a smaller alpha build out this week, mainly including some new glyphs. Check out the summary below.

BlizzCon 2016 Announced

Blizzard has announced that BlizzCon 2016 will be held on November 4th and 5th at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. Ticket prices are $199 per person, and will be on sale on April 20th at 7:00 pm Pacific Time, and on April 23rd at 10:30 am Pacific Time. In addition, there is a special benefit dinner that takes place on November 3rd. Tickets for that cost $750 and are on sale April 27th, at 7:00 pm Pacific time. All money is donated to the Children's Hospital of Orange County.

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