Friday, April 1, 2016

Blog Update: April 2016

Hello, readers! Recently I took a break from the blog due to various issues going on in real life. My internet was out for awhile, and I just got out of the habit of making posts on a regular basis. I'm going to put an honest attempt at reviving this blog, but it will be a slow process. See below for my plans this month.

The last post on the blog was detailing our Easter Party, on March 11th. In other words, it has been about 21 days since the last post. I think it's time to change that, and begin regular posting again. Here is a list of articles that I'm planning on reviving.
  • Event Overviews/Summaries
    The overviews consist of detailed information about the various events that we conduct, such as our Christmas Party. The summaries are detailed accounts of what happened, including screenshots. These will continue. 
  • WoW News
    We are a World of Warcraft guild, so it makes sense that I would post the latest WoW news. I will be using a simple system to post this: If it is top priority news (such as an expansion/patch announcement) it will be announced in a post immediately. However, if it is of lower priority (such as the contents of the last alpha build), then I will be doing weekly posts to sum up everything that happened that week. 
  • Miscellaneous
    More details soon™.
Blog Updates
I will be doing a post similar to this one at the beginning of each month to lay down what I am hoping to improve, what has changed recently, and listing posts from the previous month. As for this month, I am hoping to have a new Tab titled "Misc". If everything works as planned, I will be able to tag a post to only appear under that tab, so relevant stuff stays on the front page, while other stuff stays in that tab.

In addition, I am hoping to improve the forums. They are not what I was envisioning when I created them, and it seems to be a giant mess for me. I will be attempting to replace them with newer ones sometime this month.

All in all, the blog will hopefully become more active over this month with regular posting and other quality changes. Please remember that your feedback is valuable, and always welcome!

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