Sunday, April 3, 2016

Easter Extravaganza Summary 2016

United and Honored guildies had a blast at this year's Easter Extravaganza! We played a variety of games, including Hot Potato, Musical Chairs, and had an Egg Hunt! See below for a summary of everything that happened.

We had quite a few participants in the Pet Battle Tournament this year, and did a single elimination 5 person bracket. The winner was Rick, who received a level 25 Lost Netherpup pet and a Mekgineer's Chopper! He also donated the Pandaren Water Spirit to the winner, but since he won, he gave it to Tina!

A big congratulations to Abby on winning our Hot Potato minigame! She took home a Jademist Dancer for her victory!

Another event we did was Musical Chairs. We've had this game at several of our previous parties, and it is still a huge hit! Congratulations to Jake, our winner! He received a full set (3 pieces) of crafted armor fully upgraded to ilvl 715!

In another event, Oka met her untimely demise, followed by everyone else! We jumped from the Dalaran Sewer Pipe, and the person that landed closest to her corpse was no other than Jake! He took home a Vial of the Sands, and then promptly gave it to Gothee!

And last, but certainly not least, we had our Egg Hunt! This was so fun to watch everyone run around and grab all 78 hidden eggs. There was a tie, as we did a point system. Poorly-Painted Eggs were worth one point, Intricately-Painted Eggs were worth two points, and finally the Magnificently-Painted Eggs were worth a whopping three points! Though Jake and James did tie, we had them roll to break it and Jake took home an amazing, Draenei-Crafted Sunstone Panther!


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