Friday, March 11, 2016

Easter Extravaganza Overview

United and Honored is excited to share the details for its upcoming event, the Easter Extravaganza! Hunt for all the details after the break.

Location: Darnassus, secret place
When: April 3rd, 2016 at 5:00pm Server Time (6:00 Eastern, 3:00 Pacific)
Dress Code: Formal Wear* with Bunny Ears

Egg Hunt
Pet Battle Tournament
Musical Chairs
Dalaran Jump
Hot Potato

For trivia, we are keeping things the same as the Jingle Bell Jamboree. Lots of prizes will be given, and everyone wins something. We will ask a question, and whoever answers that question will get a prize and be excluded from answering another question. At the end, any leftover prizes will be donated to those in need and we will open up exchanges for prizes. Prizes include pets, toys, and some mounts, all donated by various guildies.

Egg Hunt 
For this event, we will be hiding several eggs at the event location ahead of time. The guildie who collects the Magnificently-Painted Egg will win a Panther Mount (color of your choosing), donated by Valexion. In addition, the eggs will have a sell price, so everyone gets some pocket change.

Pet Battle Tournament
All you need for this event is a full team of level 25 pets ready to brawl. There is no theme to match your pets to this time, so feel free to bring pets of any shape or size. The prize for winning is To Be Announced, so stay tuned.

Musical Chairs
Like all of our previous events, we will play music and participants will cirlce a group of chairs until the music stops. The last person standing will receive a brand new, fully upgraded armor set!

Hot Potato
Something new we are trying for our events is the inclusion of minor events (such as this) to entertain people while I prepare for the larger events. One Voodoo Skull will be thrown out to a random participant, and the music will start. The person that has the skull when the music stops is out, and will throw the skull to Okachobie to start the game again. The winner will receive the awesome title of "Hot Potato Champion" in your guild note, and some nice pocket change (500g).

Dalaran Jump
This is another "mini game" we are trying out. With the help of a Mage (I'm not sure who), we will get ported to Dalaran and meet in the Sewers' tunnel. Okachobie will jump and fall to her untimely demise and we will follow. The player who lands the closest to Oka's body will win a Vial of the Sands.

And that's all. We hope to see you there!

*Formal wear consists of a tuxedo for gentleman and a dress for the ladies.

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