Thursday, November 5, 2015

Legion to be released on or before September 21, 2016

This image was leaked today from a reddit post. This image introduces a few important details:
  • Legion will be released on or before September 21, 2016.
  • Pre-Orders will instantly get a level 100 character boost, and at least 7 days early access to the new Demon Hunter Hero Class.
  • Standard Edition is $49.99, Digital Deluze is $69.99
  • Digital Deluxe includes the Illidari Felstalker mount for WoW, Nibbles pet for WoW, Illidan Wings for Diablo, what appears to be a Felstalker mount for Heroes, and a set of portraits for StarCraft II. 
Keep in mind that all of this was "leaked". It does not make it 100% accurate, and we will not know anything for sure until BlizzCon tomorrow. 

But, let's say this is real. What are your thoughts? Leave 'em down in the comments below!

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