Saturday, November 14, 2015

Jingle Bell Jamboree Overview

The Jingle Bell Jamboree is United and Honored's upcoming Christmas Party! There are a ton of events planned, which we're sure will be fun for everyone. See below for all the glorious details.

World of Warcraft: Legion Class Changes and Artifacts

Each class below includes Artifact Weapon pictures and a link to their changes overview post. Enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Legion to be released on or before September 21, 2016

This image was leaked today from a reddit post. This image introduces a few important details:
  • Legion will be released on or before September 21, 2016.
  • Pre-Orders will instantly get a level 100 character boost, and at least 7 days early access to the new Demon Hunter Hero Class.
  • Standard Edition is $49.99, Digital Deluze is $69.99
  • Digital Deluxe includes the Illidari Felstalker mount for WoW, Nibbles pet for WoW, Illidan Wings for Diablo, what appears to be a Felstalker mount for Heroes, and a set of portraits for StarCraft II. 
Keep in mind that all of this was "leaked". It does not make it 100% accurate, and we will not know anything for sure until BlizzCon tomorrow. 

But, let's say this is real. What are your thoughts? Leave 'em down in the comments below!