Friday, October 2, 2015

U&H WRUP: Newb Moments

Welcome to this week's WRUP! I hope you have enjoyed this new article, and are wanting to see more in the future. I am considering changing it up a bit, but am not 100% final yet, but that is for the future!

Discussion Topic
This week's discussion topic is about a time that everyone went through: Being a noob! What is your most memorable noob moment in World of Warcraft?

Breckin has been hard at work trying to level his hunter and he made it to level 100! He hopes to have accomplished unlocking flying in Draenor - He only needs the reps! His most memorable noob moment was when he meant to delete a lowbie, he accidentally deleted his main! He had to call Blizzard to have them bring him back.

Henry has been using his time this week to farm up some things to expand his collection in mounts, pets, and toys. By next week, he hopes to have his healer geared enough to resume raiding. He lost interest awhile back, but has rekindled the raiding spirit within. His most memorable noob moments were going to a raid as hunter and forgetting ammo, and as a healer forgetting drinks with no mage.

Jake has been playing mostly horde recently, raiding with his Horde guild. He managed to obtain two new Heroic weapons and tier pants from Hellfire Citadel this week! By next week, he hopes to have obtained his 4 piece set bonus. He has no recollection of any noob moments (yeah, sure).

Ray has been working on the legendary quest for Tarecgosa and has made excellent progress with the help of other guildies! He hopes to make it even further next week and hopefully complete it before the Bewitching Bash. His most memorable noob moment was back in Vashj'ir when he would always swim into the Horde's bases and get killed.

Valexion has been working on leveling his monk, although his computer issues have been getting in the way of most of his play time. He hopes to try to get a group together for some Heroes of the Storm and maybe start playing Hearthstone more while trying to get his computer fixed. His most memorable noob moment was when he went after a Dragon of Nightmare in Duskwood.. Alone! Let's just say Feign Death doesn't work against a giant dragon.

And that's all for this WRUP! We look forward to hearing your answer to the discussion topic below and hope you have a great weekend!

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