Saturday, August 8, 2015

World of Warcraft: Legion Summary!

Blizzard has announced the next expansion in the World of Warcraft franchise: Legion! See below for details!

Livestream VOD

The Story So Far...

Cinematic Teaser

Feature Reveal

Feature Overview
  • New Continent: Broken Isles
  • Level Cap increased to 110
  • New Honor System
  • Artifact Weapons
  • Hero Class: Demon Hunter
New Continent: The Broken Isles
This new continent has 6 new zones, listed below:
  • Val'Shaarah
  • Stormheim
  • Azsuna
  • Highmountain
  • Suramar
  • The Broken Shore
Also, prepare for the assistance of the Kirin-Tor! Khadgar has taken over, and has moved Dalaran here! Blizzard has stated that this will be our central hub.

Dungeons and Raids
There are nine dungeons on the way!
  • Halls of Valor
  • Black Rook Hold
  • Vault of the Wardens
  • Eye of Azshara
  • Darkheart Thicket
  • Neltharion's Lair
  • Helheim
  • Suramar City
  • Violet Hold
And, two new raids!
  • Emerald Nightmare: 7 bosses; Emerald Dream (twisted and shadow); Pursue Cenarius, face Xavius
  • Suramar Palace: 10 bosses; Home to the Nightwell, center of Suramar's power; Face off against Gul'dan!
Artifact Weapons
Wield weapons of power and legend, from some of the greatest heroes of Azeroth! Each specialization gets a different weapon, as an example Retribution Paladins get Ashbringer! You also get to customize these weapons! They will have their own talent trees for players to level up and improve as they play, and also include visual customization so players don't all feel like they are wielding the same weapon. Example below includes the Ashbringer.

New Hero Class: Demon Hunter

Blizzard has showed off a new Hero Class, the Demon Hunter. When beginning a Demon Hunter, players will actually play through flashbacks to the Burning Crusade. They start at high level* and in addition to their regular abilities, they'll have the ability to morph into a more powerful demonic figure, taking on the forms of the enemies they are hunting. 

They only have two specializations, Havoc and Vengeance. The Havoc spec is more damage based, whereas Vengeance will allow for tanking. A basic ability list was shown, listed below:
  • Fel Rush
  • Chaos Strike
  • Chaos Nova
  • Eye Beam
  • Spectral Sight
  • Vengeful Retreat
  • Double Jump - Passive that allows you to jump again while in the air. 

*Blizzard has not stated the level that Demon Hunters start at.

Class Orders
This feature puts players in charge of an organization based around whatever their class is. As an example, the Shaman conclave will overlook the Maelstrom, the Paladin templar sanctum will be beneath Light's Hope Chapel, and the Warlock enclave will exist on a Burning Legion portal world.

These also include a Champion system, that Blizzard said would build on the Follower system from Warlords. Champions will be non-player characters who help your cause. Blizzard promised they will be more active in the world in this expansion, with more interaction.

New Honor System
Blizzard has stated that gear playing a huge factor in PvP isn't great. They are adding a new talent system, that only works for PvP. This will help balance PvP separately from PvE. You unlock more and more as you PvP. Prestige ranks allow you to reset from 50 back to 1, to gain cosmetic rewards. This is mainly for people who PvP a lot already that want extra rewards. These rewards can be a mount, an Artifact Weapon variant, and even a new "PvP badge" (example shown below).

Additional Sources
MMO-Champion, Wowhead, Blizzard Watch, Official Website

And that's all for now! More details to come in days, weeks, and months ahead, and confirmation that beta is later this year! Comment below on what your thoughts are so far!


  1. Hopefully this will be very cool

    1. I am definitely going to play one! They sound amazing, and I hope they can differentiate them from other classes. Are you going to roll one to test it out?
