Sunday, August 9, 2015

World of Warcraft: Legion Interview and Live stream recap

See below for summary of both an interview from BlizzPlanet, and of the live stream from August 9th.

Live Stream
  • The team has known Legion would be the next expansion back when they started coming up of the Warlords of Draenor concepts.
  • We are back in the normal Azeroth, no alternative universe.
  • Why does the Legion keep trying to take over Azeroth? The expansion will reveal this over time.
  • Illidan is a really important part of Gul'dan's plans.
  • Illidan is not pleased with us after Black Temple. Who knows how he will react if and when we come across him to ask for help.
  • 12,000 years ago there was a festering wound in The Broken Isles. The Pillars of Creation were used to seal the wound. The Temple of Elune was built on top. The wound was opened again and an infinite number of demons is coming through.
  • The Dalaran in Broken Isles has been updated, with a few changes and texture updates.
  • Eventually you will be able to fly in Legion, but not right away, similar to Warlords. Starting in Patch 7.0 the first steps towards the flying achievement will be available.
  • The DPS and item level are determined by the Relics, as well as modifiers to traits. (This was covered in a little more detail in interviews)
  • The team wants to make sure it isn't 2x the work to maintain 2x artifacts. You will need to earn separate relics for your other Artifacts though.
  • There will be a quest line for each profession.
  • There will be some system changes to professions as a whole to improve the UI and add new functionality.
  • One more character slot will be added.
  • People that are playing Demon Hunters would likely be playing a melee spec anyway, so it shouldn't add too many more melee.

BlizzPlanet Interview
  • There won't be another filler patch between Warlords and the Legion invasion, other than the flying patch.
  • Ruby Sanctum didn't work out well. It was entertaining for a week or so, as there was one boss to kill and then you were done.
  • In Warlords, the team didn't do enough to express the story through in-game content. The garrison campaign wasn't enough.
  • One more character slot is being added.
  • Having one artifact per spec will help to focus the specs. Right now Frost Death Knights can use a two-hand weapon or dual wield, but their artifact is two runeblades, so they will focus on dual-wielding in Legion and Unholy will focus on two-hand weapons.
  • The new Honor system allows for some new abilities to be added that would have been cut in the past, as they were PvP only.
  • Draenor's forces are busy rebuilding Draenor, so they are not going to come and help with the Burning Legion.
  • Illidan's storyline will span the entire expansion.
  • Only allowing elves to be Demon Hunters fits the lore and is the right choice for Legion.
  • One of the social features under development is notifying you when friends join a queue and allowing you to queue with them.
  • The team would also like to improve communication across groups. If you have a group of friends you raid with or PvP with there should be a better way to communicate with them.
  • Older time limited legendary items, such as the Mists of Pandaria cape, may become transmogable.
  • The sewers of Dalaran were mention as an Order Hall for Rogues again.
  • Champions will unlock or complement content rather than doing content for you.

Stay tuned for more news about World of Warcraft's 6th expansion as it is released! 

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