Saturday, July 11, 2015

United and Honored's Summer Sizzle is coming up!

Get your bathing suits ready for United and Honored's Summer Sizzle! The event is coming to you on July 24th, 2015 at 6:00 pm server time. See below for more details!

A list of events and brief description of each:

Trivia Contest
A series of questions will be asked over Vent, and the first person to respond in raid chat with the correct answer will receive a prize. The prizes could be a new pet, mount, or toy for your collection!

Scavenger Hunt
Okachobie has put together a small scavenger hunt that exists all around Pandaria. You will have to kill mobs to get a specific item, and the first person to make it back to Oka with all the items will receive a Vial of the Sands.

Pet Battle Tournament
It's time to get your pets trained for the Pet Battle Tournament. If you come out on top, you will receive a level 25 Purple Puffer battle pet and 1,000g! The pets must be level 25 and aquatic themed (see list of acceptable pets here).

Firework Show
Sit back and relax as we light up the sky like the fourth of July!

Legacy Molten Core Bathing Suit Run
We will be taking the fight to the Firelord himself... in our bathing suits! Note that just because you have a bathing suit on, doesn't mean you can swim safely in the lava.

And that will wrap up the evening! We hope you enjoy the event this year and we look forward to seeing you there! And as a heads up, get ready for the Halloween Party coming soon!

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