Sunday, July 19, 2015

United and Honored Hall of Fame

This is a summary of the United and Honored Hall of Fame feature, that spotlights one person from the guild that has shown many traits good for a leader.

How is someone chosen?
You can be chosen by demonstrating that you are dedicated to the guild and its improvement, you must actively participate in the guild by coming to events, posting here on the blog, etc. You must also have a good standing in the guild. What does everyone think if we typed your name in Guild chat?

How is the winner decided?
The Officers, Assistant GMs, and the GM get together at an Officer Meeting towards the end of the month. They then pump out some names, and a reason that they want that person to get it, and by majority vote whoever gets it will win.

What do you get?
You get a temporary rank in the guild called "VIP Guildie", a picture taken and posted in the Hall of Fame section of the blog, and bragging rights.

Can someone win multiple times?
It's entirely possible, but we want to give all guildies an equal chance to prove themselves, rather than have the same person get it over and over again.

When is the winner chosen?
On the last day of the month a vote will occur and the winner will be decided.

If you have any further questions regarding this feature, leave a comment here!

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