Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Expansion to be revealed August 6th at Gamescom

Blizzard is currently planning to reveal the next World of Warcraft expansion at Gamescom on August 6th, at 9:00 AM Pacific (11:00 AM Central; 12:00 PM Eastern). So, I ask you: What are your speculations? Do you think they are trying to push Draenor away? What did you think of Draenor?

Feel free to have unlimited discussion below with all your ideas!

Also, pre-purchasing for the new Hearthstone expansion (50 packs and a card back for $50.00) is now live!


  1. Hmmm, I personally don't know what to expect. Draenor has been the most fun I've had in the game in a long time. It feels rather small compared to previous content but the Garrison made things very interesting, in my opinion. If they are trying to go for an upgrade with the expansion, I can't really see what they are after. Even the upgrades to graphics they have done are pretty meh, and won't really get much better. I guess they could add in another race and another playable area... That is always an option. I want to hear what everyone else thinks. People who have been with the game longer will have a much better idea than me.

    1. Indeed Draenor is fun, but was kinda small. The Garrison had tons of perks and bonuses, but also brought negatives to the game as well - especially with professions. I believe that Blizzard set it up where too many people relied on their garrison, as opposed to each other.

      My speculation on the whole thing is that we are heading back to the Great Seas. I read the other day on an interesting theory: Timeless Isle hinted at Time Travel, as maybe the Shipyard hints to next expansion?

      In any case, I sure hope that they know what they are doing this time around. I feel as if this expansion was hyped up to be awesome, and slowly declined in that feeling. Two patches, only one with a decent amount of content, doesn't seem like an expansion to me and it feels rushed along. Maybe Blizzard saw their mistake and decided "Let's just get it over with, we messed up, and let's make it better in the next expac."

  2. Looking over past expansions I think next on the list is to redo Northrend, I totally hope I'm wrong cause I HATE HATE HATE almost all of Northrend. I really wish they would just add all new content and maybe a new class. I have a love/hate relationship with Draenor, I like the garrison addition. There have been a lot of good additions and bad, it just doesn't go far enough though. Once your done your only farming and that gets old quickly unless you enjoy doing randoms constantly or raiding. I personally like to raid from time to time but I don't care for doing randoms. I enjoy questing but now I'm at only dailies and repetition! Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hmmmm, the 6th is getting closer... It would be interesting if there were a new zone out to sea. I'm kind of bored of new races. I mean they can be fun but I already have too many toons that I don't spend enough time with so even if they add a new race *Unless it's totally cool* I'm not doing it. Another class would be neat but I can't fathom what it could be... I guess another magic casting class since those are so open-ended. I mean, you can really make any kind of ability and call it magic. *sigh* I hate Northrend. It's strange because I feel like the Draenor zones went very fast but Northrend feels so unbelievably slow to me. Even with that said though, Northrend did feel complete. Once I got through it, I felt like I accomplished something.
