Sunday, July 5, 2015

Guild Guidebook: Tiny Terrors in Tanaan

In this edition of Guild Guidebook, we discuss the 15 legendary pets scattered throughout Tanaan Jungle. Take a look below for strategies, locations, and possible rewards.


This strategy is not a guaranteed 100% win rate, and isn't usable for Dark Gazer. Also, the frog may give some trouble with Frog Kiss and Netherfist can give trouble if RNG hates you. Each of those pets have different strategies that will be listed here.
  • Pandaren Water Spirit - Water Jet, Whirlpool, Geyser
  • Chrominius - Bite, Howl, Surge of Power
  • Emerald Whelpling - Breath, Emerald Presence, Tranquility
The goal is to preform the good ole' Howl Bomb technique to be rid of that pesky legendary pet. 
  • Start with Pandaren Water Spirit
  • Geyser
  • Whirlpool
  • Swap to Chrominius
  • Howl
  • Bite if it will kill the pet, if not Surge of Power should do the trick.
  • Get as much use out of Chrominius as you can against the pets in the back
  • Swap to Emerald Whelpling
  • Emerald Presence
  • Tranquility - Keep these two buffs up
  • Breath until each pet is dead. 
These pets are scattered all over Tanaan Jungle, some out in the open and some hidden. Here is a map of each pet:

There is also an addon that shows the pets on the map and then removes the paw print from the map when you've defeated that tamer for the day. Check it out here

Specific Strategies
The following pets have different strategies than above, due to the nature of their fights.

Dark Gazer
You will need the following pets:
  • Zandalari Anklerender - Primal Cry, Black Claw, Hunting Party
  • Chrominus - Bite, Howl, Surge of Power
  • Anubisath Idol - Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
Follow this strategy:
  • Start with Zandalari Anklerender
  • Primal Cry
  • Black Claw
  • Hunting Party
  • Hunting Party continued
  • Primal Cry - until your Aklerender or Dark Gazer is dead
  • If your Anklerender cannot kill Dark Gazer, swap in Chrominius use Howl and Surge of Power to finish him off.
  • Once Dark Gazer is dead, use whatever is left of Chrominius against the other pets. When Chrominius dies, bring in Anubisath.
  • Keep Sandstorm up
  • Crush until fight is won.
You will need the following pets:
  • Pandaren Water Spirit - Water Jet, Whirlpool, Geyser
  • Alpine Foxling Kit - Bite, Howl, Dazzling Dance
  • Anubisath Idol - Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
Follow this strategy:
  • Start with Pandaren Water Spirit
  • Geyser
  • Whirlpool
  • Swap to Alpine Foxling Kit
  • Howl
  • Bite - Netherfist should die and next enemy swaps in
  • Dazzling Dance then Bite until your Foxling dies.
  • Bring back your Pandaren Water Spirit
  • Geyser
  • Whirlpool
  • Water Jet until your Water Spirit dies
  • Bring in Anubisath Idol
  • Sandstorm - Keep this up throughout the fight.
  • Crush until the fight is won.
Other pets
If you have a strategy that works against these guys, too, feel free to share it in the comments below!

When you defeat these pets, which can be done once per character per day, you will get Fel-Touched Pet Supplies. This will contain some gold, 1-2 Pet Charms, a chance to contain a Fel-Touched Battle-Training Stone, and a chance at any of the following pets: Periwinkle Calf, Seaborne Spore, Zangar Spore, or Nightmare Bell.

And that's it for this edition of Guild Guidebook! If you have a suggestion for a future Guild Guidebook, let me know in the comments below - seriously, I need ideas.

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