Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter Extravaganza Pictures!

I am glad that everyone had a blast at this year's Easter Extravaganza! I hope that our next event, the Summer Sizzle, will be even more exciting.

At the Easter Extravaganza, we had a variety of activities, including:
Egg Hunt, Panther Roll War, Trivia, Pet Battle Tournament, and even a naked Karazhan run!

After the break, check out the pictures that were snapped during the events!

Jake and Oka enjoying a cake!


Bayde dancing

Justin cruisin' the town


Preparing for some Trivia!

Oka's brand new mount!

Our Pet Battle Champion, Nightdew, and her winning team!

S.E.L.F.I.E. with the Pet Battle Champ!

Silly group picture

Family Picture

Results of our Naked Karazhan run!

Everyone can now begin preparations for United and Honored's Summer Sizzle, starting on July 25th! Hope to see you there, and don't forget your bathing suits!


  1. This event was fantastic! I had so much fun listening and watching guildies participating in the festivities. We had a few hiccups, but we got through it. Thank you Vale and Bayde for another successful guild event. I look forward to our next one!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had fun hosting it, and I know Bayde did too! I'm considering letting him participate more, and moving to events more hosted by me where he can participate.
