Monday, May 16, 2016

United and Honored's Warcraft Movie Party

Another party? Heck yes! Thanks to guild member Gothee, we have an epic movie party planned! See all the details below.

When: June 5th, at 5:00pm Server time (6:00pm Eastern, 3:00pm Pacific)
Where: Karazhan or Stormwind

  • Musical Chairs
  • Pet Show
  • Trivia
  • Dodgeball

Musical Chairs
This has become a favorite game of many, and will be taking place within the Banquet Hall of Karazhan. The music played will be part of a score from the movie itself.

Pet Show
There are still some details to be worked out for this event. Find a companion pet that has a unique interaction (some examples below). Then, you will lead your pet out onto the stage and show off the interaction for everyone to see! A judge will determine the winner based on how creative the interaction is. 
  • If you type /sit to any cat companion, it will sit on your lap. 
  • If you type /drink or /bow to the Pandaren Monk, he will drink or bow to you.
  • If you type /kiss at Mojo, he will turn you into a frog.
If you simply cannot come up with a pet interaction, purchase a Fetch Ball from the Dalaran pet shop. If that is taken, remember that any pet that flies with you on your mount will also jump through the Cloud Ring toy. 

All pets and their interactions must be registered before the party date! Simply send in-game mail to Valexion detailing what pet you are entering and what its interaction will be. I will only send mail back to people who's pet/interaction has already been taken. 

Also keep in mind that there are very few critters in Karazhan, and likely none on the stage. If you need another player's assistance, that is permitted. Idle animations are accepted, but we would prefer an instant interaction. 

Same as any other trivia before, except that it is themed around the movie! Gothee will be asking the questions and managing this event, so give the floor to her! This event will be taking place in the Library room.

If you liked Hot Potato, you will love this! The raid will be split into two teams and each person will be given a Heavy Leather Ball. At the end of the timer, the team with the fewest Heavy Leather Balls will be the winner!

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