Monday, May 9, 2016

Legion Reputation Overview

With Legion right around the corner, it's time to start preparing. I want to help you prepare by teaching you about what's to come. The first stop on this tour is reputations.

Warning/Disclaimer: This information may change considerably between now and launch. It is still Alpha, and as such things are expected to change. Updates to this post will be noted above this warning.

Gaining Reputation

Reputation is not as grindy as it is in Warlords of Draenor.
  • Doing quests in a zone can grant reputation.
  • World Quests in each zone give reputation (usually around 250). If they grant rep for completing them, it will state so in the in-game tooltip. 
  • You can also earn rep by completing an emissary quest for a faction. These require you to complete 4 world quests for that faction. Doing so grants extra rep and a cache of loot.
  • Insignias can be found in treasure chests across the Broken Isles, each granting 200 rep. These are Account Bound.
The Nightfallen are a bit different, however, as you start off unfriendly with them. You must complete the Nightfallen But Not Forgotten achievement to unlock the World Quests. 

The Nightfallen

These exiled Nightborn elves suffer withdrawals after being cut off from the Nightwell. The oppose their people's allegiance with the Legion and fight for some kind of redemption.

Emissary: Syndras
Reputation Earned by: Hitting level 110, completing the quests required for Nightfallen But Not Forgotten in Suramar, then completing world quests. Loot Nightfallen Insignia from treasure chests.


These are the chosen warriors of Odyn, sworn to his service in life and death.

Emissary: Valdemar Stormseeker
Reputation Earned by: Hitting level 110, and completing world quests (mostly in Stormheim). Loot Valarjar Insignia from treasure chests.

The Wardens

After Legion forces broke the Vault of the Wardens with the aid of Gul'dan, what few Wardens remain are determined to rebuild their prison and hunt down the terrifying beasts that were let loose when it fell.

Emissary: Marin Bladewing
Reputation Earned by: Hitting level 110, and completing world quests which are spread out across all zones. Loot Wardens Insignia from treasure chests.


The druids and their allies in Val'sharah have guarded the Emerald Dream since time immemorial.

Emissary: Sylvia Hartshorn
Reputation Earned by: Hitting level 110 and completing world quests (mostly found in Val'sharah). Loot Dreamweaver Insignia from treasure chests.

Highmountain Tribe

The Highmountain Tribe has dwindled in numbers over the years, and with the drogbar threat looming, seek new allies to save their homeland.

Emissary: Ransa Greyfeather

Court of Farondis

The ghostly Court of Farondis and its allies continue the fight against an onslaught of invaders on the cursed island of Azsuna.

Emissary: Veridis Fallon

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