Friday, September 25, 2015

U&H WRUP: Pet Battles

Welcome to this edition of U&H WRUP! In these articles we interview several guildies to find out just what have they been up to this week.

Discussion Topic
With the pet battle event this week, we asked guildies "How many pets do you have at level 25, and are you planning to participate in the Pet Battle Event this weekend?".

Oka has been partaking in Brewfest to attempt to get the elusive Brewfest Kodo. She has also helped Viggy get flying, by flying him around to get exploring and treasure hunting. She hopes to get the kodo by this time next week and is hoping to have two golems made for the Bewitching Bash! She has 4 pets at level 25 and will not be participating in the Pet Battle Event this weekend.

Bronson has been struggling with computer issues, so he is trying to get used to using a desktop over a laptop. He helped Ray earlier in the week with the Legendary staff, and has been partaking in the Brewfest festivities. He has tons of level 25 pets (too many to count!) and is considering partaking in the Pet Battle Event to add even more pets to his tiny army!

Kickle has managed to get her new hunter to level 91, and leveled her priest to 100 and got 4 levels in on her Druid! She is hoping to be able to finish getting the Druid and her Mage to 100. She is definitely going to participate in the Pet Battle Event, and has even leveled 6 pets to 25 so far and has a grand total of 42 pets at level 25!

Mellas has made progress on the Legendary ring quest, and is on the last stage of collection! He has also downed 7 bosses in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty! He hopes to have all of his toons on the quest We Don't Need No Library Card by the end of next week. He, like many others, have been mercilessly killing Coren Direbrew during Brewfest in hopes for getting a healing trinket. He currently has 38 level 25 battle pets and is going to participate in the event.

Chris has completed Kazzak on all of his 100s and will get his 5th level 100 this week! He also came up with 8 different Hallow's End costumes, so if you need an idea, go to him! He would like to unlock Nat Pagle on a toon and get 200 mounts. He also wants to help get guild dungeon/raid challenges. He currently has 5 pets at level 25 and isn't going to participate in the Pet Battle Event.

Don't forget to share your answers below, and have a great weekend everybody!

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