Friday, August 7, 2015

United and Honored's Bewitching Bash!

United and Honored is proud to present our second ever Halloween Party: the Bewitching Bash! See below for all the juicy details.

This event will be held on October 24th at 5:00 Server in Karazhan's Ball Room. If you have a costume, please wear it for the spirit of the event!

Planned Events
Costume Contest
Trivia - New and Improved!
Musical Chairs
Pet Battle Tournament
Legacy Naxxramas Run - In our costumes!

Costume Contest
To enter the costume contest, contact Valexion via in-game mail scheduling a picture time. We will discuss your costume, location for the costume picture, and head there to take the pictures. The pictures will be put on the blog on a hidden page, and we have special judges this year!

Judges Griffter and Foxy will be deciding whose costume is the best! Thanks guys!
Prizes are gold, in the amounts of
  • 1st: 10,000 gold
  • 2nd: 5,000 gold
  • 3rd: 2,500 gold
These pictures will be shared publicly on the blog after the party. If you have any questions, I will do my best to assist.

Trivia - New and Improved
After tons of helpful feedback for this section of our events, I have made the decision for easier trivia questions for all. There will be a total of 15 questions, and you cannot answer one after another (meaning let others answer before you can answer again). 

Musical Chairs
For this event, we will gather around a table in Karazhan and run around it to the music (played over vent). When the music stops, everyone will click on a seat. The person left standing will need to occupy a seat for the next round to begin. We will continue until there is one person left. They will receive a freshly crafted Sky Golem. 

Pet Battle Tournament
For this, you must have a costume. There is also a unique catch: Your pets have to match the theme of your costume. As an example, if I was going to dress up as a Farmer, I could have the pets: Crazy Carrot, Terrible Turnip, and Singing Sunflower. If you are not sure if your pets will match the costume idea you have, you can always ask Valexion. 

Legacy Naxxramas Run
We will be toppling the necropolis and taking the fight to Kel'thuzad... in our costumes! Loot that is acquired cannot be equipped. Even though we will likely bulldoze the area, try to maintain the spirit of the event - fun! 

And that is all that is currently planned. Leave any questions or feedback here in the comments! This event is scheduled for October 24th, 2015 at 5:00 pm server (6 EDT; 3 PDT). Hope to see you there!

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