Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer Sizzle Recap

The Summer Sizzle was a blast, and everyone had fun! Let's take a look at what we did:

Let's take a look at everyone in their stylish bathing suits:









Our first event was the Trivia Contest. Lots of people claimed prizes, including a mount, a toy, and quite a few pets! 

Then, we had a scavenger hunt. We had to go all around Pandaria to find the following items:
  • (10) Raw Crab Meat
  • (5) Jade Lungfish
  • Soap on a Rope
  • Red Rose
  • (10) Giant Dinosaur Bones
The winner, Kungshifu, received a Sandstone Drake and since he already had it, donated it to Ali! Then we gathered for this picture:

Flock of Sandstone Drakes

Next, we had our firework show! It attracted quite the crowd, and had everyone captivated! Here are a few screenshots of the show!

After all the pretty explosions, we brought out our Aquatic themed battle pets, and fought it out for a Mekgineer's Chopper. Valexion came out as winner, however donated the prize to Bronson as he didn't have the chopper!
Final Fight, Between Valexion and Bronson
Last, we decided to invade the Firelord's domain! We ran through Molten Core in just our swim suits! We got a picture with Ragnaros (thanks for posing for us), and a picture after his defeat! 

Ragnaros poses before his defeat

After defeating Ragnaros!

All in all, it was a fun event! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did, and I am asking this of you: If you enjoyed this event, comment why you enjoyed it! What was fun about it? What do you want to see in future events? The Halloween Party is up next, and if you haven't voted on the name, the poll is on the sidebar (towards the top). 


  1. This was great sorru i had so many comouter problems :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! We enjoyed having you there :D

  2. yup yup yup! Another successful event Logan! Hopefully more...lots more will attend the Halloween Bash! Costumes...lots of costumes and candy and fun!

    1. I am happy that you enjoyed the event! I do hope we have more attendees at the Halloween Bash, and am looking forward to seeing what people choose for costumes!

  3. why does it always double post for me?

    1. Not sure :( Let me check into it and see what could be causing it.

  4. I liked that we donated prizes we already had to people who didn't have them before. There were even the roll-offs for multiple people who wanted donated prizes. I thought it was weird when every attendee ended up with a Sandstone Drake. I was one of the firework users that evening, and I enjoyed being able to set off the fireworks. All in all, great event, and I hope we can have more exciting gatherings like it.

    Bronson (Kungshifu)

    1. I am glad that you were able to donate prizes, as well. Glad that everyone enjoyed the event, and I look forward to planning many more in the future! Halloween is coming up, do you have a costume?

    2. I am afraid that I do not have my costume yet.

      Bronson (Kungshifu)

    3. Better start thinking about it. I know I got mine :)

  5. We are going to play musical chairs! time!

    1. I think we need to take his beer away, and get him going on an exercise program... Daily runs through the garrison?
