Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Breaking News: Flying will be coming to Draenor

Blizzard announced a few weeks ago that flying would not be added to Draenor and possibly not even future expansions. They announced today, after weeks of backlash, that flying will come to Draenor, but with some strings attached.

To get flying in Draenor, you must complete the following steps. Keep in mind that flying isn't coming with 6.2 directly, but a small patch later (6.2.x) will patch it in.

Wowhead has guides to the new reputations:
This may seem like a lot of hoops to jump through, but if you think about it: We have probably completed most of these steps already, except the reputations part.

This seems like a great way to compromise between pro-flyers and Blizzard's view of "dangerous worlds being more dangerous from the ground".

What's your opinion on it? Agree? Disagree? Last poll, majority voted (and by majority, only one voted) that flying should be added. Is this what you were expecting?

Blizzard Watch, Twitter, Twitter, and Twitter, MMO-Champion, Wowhead

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