Saturday, May 16, 2015

Guild Guidebook: Trading Post Auction House

This first edition of Guild Guidebook will cover how to get your own Auction House in your garrison! Read on after the break for a step by step guide on your own personal AH.

To get started, ensure you have a trading post that is minimum of level 2. Inside a level 2 Trading Post, you will see a "dead" construct that has a quest for you: Auctioning for Parts. This quest requires you to put together various things from various sources.

Arcane Crystal Module
The pieces required for this are:
The pieces are found by doing Draenor raids and invasions. 

Auction Control Module
The pieces required for this are:
The pieces are found by doing Draenor dungeons. 

Super Cooling Module
The pieces required for this are:
The pieces are found from mobs in Shadowmoon Valley, Talador, or Nagrand.

Cyclical Power Module
The pieces required for this are:
The pieces are found from mobs in Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, or Spires of Arak.


  1. I hope this guide is helpful for people!

  2.'s Bucky...sitting at a table...reading a book? Ok, what have you done with the real Bucky!

    1. I may or may not have had something to do with the real Bucky...
