Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Updates

Some updates I have made to the blog include:
   - Search Bar
   - Popular WoW Sites list
   - New Post
   - Color Scheme changes (to more closely match the guild logo)
   - Added Guild Logo/Slogan

Wanted Updates:
   - Page for Roster, hopefully soon
   - Regular updates
   - Listen to feedback and make changes

Thanks for checking out the guild blog. If you don't have a google account, go ahead and create one. It's free and will allow you to leave comments on posts, answer polls, etc. It is 100% worth it!

EDIT: It does allow you to leave comments, with a name. I changed the settings to allow anyone to comment. Even anonymous users. I still encourage at least a basic google account with your character's name.

United and Honored's Easter Extravaganza!

Get ready for something awesome! The next event for United and Honored is the Easter Extravaganza! Held April 12th, 2015 at the Blue Recluse bar in Stormwind, this event is packed full with tons of awesome events!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Welcome to the official United and Honored Guild Blog!
There will be all sorts of information here, including upcoming guild events, guides for WoW, links to awesome news, and even more!

Keep in mind that I am not an author, or certified writer, so there may be tons of grammar mistakes, but we will all get through together. I promise.

I plan to keep this blog updated at least every other day, so make sure to check back every so often! Until then, have a great day and I will see you in game.
